Drive-In Cinema (JUNE)


FREE with Registration

Registration recommended to ensure a parking spot.
Event is free to attend - donations are accepted and appreciated.

Friday, June 24, 2022
8:15 PM - Parking Lot Opens
8:45 PM - Film Program Begins

The parking lot opens at 8:15 p.m., when we will welcome you with free POPCORN! We encourage attendees to TAILGATE and socialize before the film program begins at 8:45 p.m.  Get settled in your vehicle, turn the radio up, and enjoy a great film on a great big screen under the stars.  Alternatively, and weather permitting, we will set up a speaker system for sound, so bring a CAMP CHAIR and layers to enjoy the film al fresco.

RMWF Drive-in Cinema is located at the former Gazette Building, just east of downtown (704 E. Colorado Ave, 80903).  Special thanks to Norwood Development Group for providing this space where we can continue to build community around film.

Film Description:  Continents apart from one another, two farming families aim to reinvent themselves on their land. One family—a strong-willed French matriarch and the son she raised among her vines—tends a centuries-old, biodynamic vineyard in the South­ern Rhône. Across the ocean in Humboldt, California, another family—a brash father and his more reserved son—carefully manage a state-recognized, organic cannabis farm. The feature documen­tary WEED & WINE interweaves their stories, urging compar­isons and teasing out contradictions between France’s revered winemaking traditions and the artisan culture emerging along­side the legal cannabis industry.


For more information about the Drive-In Cinema summer series visit

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